Supply of Competent Seamen

Amaya Shipping Inc. is a dynamic crewing agency providing professional seagoing personnel at all levels and it aims to provide quality search and selection services to meet the increasing demands of today's maritime industry. Safety is our priority on all vessels. We carefully select our crew by checking applicants carefully to ensure their competence, experience and fitness to work, our officers are highly skilled with many years of experience of managing and supervising vessels of all types and sizes.

Many of our crew have been working with us since they first embarked on an ocean going vessel building relationships of mutual trust and understanding of the professional standard demanded by our principals. Our officers and staff oversee the selection and recruitment process for each vessel and supervises all matters related to training, visas and immigration requirements, documentation, and travel. All crew related documentation are processed in accordance with the latest IMO and STCW standard.

Continuity of crewing for each vessel of our pincipal's fleet is of great importance. Over the past years, our company have been contracted to handle either full crewing or recruitment of individual officers/ratings for vessels managed/owned by both foreign and local shipping companies.

Able Husbanding Agents
Vessels of all types in all trade areas are attended by us in any port of the Philippines. Our agents have extensive experience in servicing tankers, bulkers, general cargo vessels, lash vessels, barges and other special types of vessels. We are updated constantly regarding vessel's movement and activity. The following are just some of the services we render to shipowners, charterers and ship's agents as follows:

1. Inform vessel's arrival to all parties concerned
2. Arrange pilots and towage
3. Arrange customs clearance, Phil port authority, immigration and coast guard documentation
4. Line handling services
5. Launch hire
6. Arrange chandler, bunker and fresh water requirements
7. Arrange security services
8. Statement of facts and port log preparation
9. Medical services, crew replacement, entry/exit visa requirements
10. Deliver of cash to master
11. Any other special request by owners, charterers, master amd chief engineer
12. Reports required in voyage or standing instructions, etc.

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